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The difference between Version and Database

Version – software, improved every quarter

Database – data, updated every quarter

The entire G2M2 product includes 2 things, software and data. There are continuously updated versions of software and databases. You could open the same database in different versions and also can use one version to open different databases. The latest version and the latest database combine to the latest G2M2 product.

When finding some bugs, for example, new supply case cannot be built or “Make New” does not work, please turn to RBAC. The software team can handle it and debug in next version.

A default database will be released every season. And when you do case study, you shall change demand case, supply case or infrastructure case. Then run different scenarios under different databases to get reports.

For users, they would have a default database and the latest version of G2M2 software. They can also build their own database based on the default one to conduct their research or papers.

what_is_difference_between_version_and_database.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/17 18:07 by jyang
