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LNG Terminal Tanker

Data_Inputs → EntityData → Tanker Data → LNG Terminal Tanker

If Dest = TRUE, it means the type of tanker can go to import terminal to unload LNG.
If Origin = TRUE, it means the type of tanker can go to export terminal to load LNG.
If Dest/Origin both = TRUE, the terminal works both as import and export terminal.

Q represents Qatar; Conv represents conventional.
The numbers in the end are the average tanker storage, whose unit is 1000 m3.

Tankers starting with Q are those coming from Qatar, which means only the origin of exports terminals in Qatar can be TRUE.
Tankers whose name is Arc7-170 are those coming from Russia and have feature to break heavy ice in arctic ocean, which means only the origin of exports terminals in Russia can be TRUE. These tanker could only go to Europe, Japan, South Korea, China. The chances of these tankers across equator are slim.

Please contact customer support if you have any further questions - RBAC, Inc. support line (281) 506-0588 ext. 125, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm CT

lng_terminal_tanker.txt · Last modified: 2022/05/26 09:44 by jyang
